Learning About Popular Geriatric Supplies

by Bethany
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Caring for an aging parent can be a challenging, frustrating, as well as rewarding experience. Whether you are looking into creating a safer, more user-friendly environment in your loved one’s home, or having them move in with your or into assisted living, you will find a variety of geriatric supplies available.

Home supplies for your loved one range from products to help make living independently convenient, such as disposable adult pads to necessary medical supplies, such as diabetic equipment. Other supplies the elderly might need could include a cane, walker, or motorized scooter in order to get around their home safely. Researching what your loved one might need is a good way to ensure they have whatever medical and living supplies to create a safe environment that meets their needs. Making a decision that is based on well-researched information is crucial for the health of your loved one, no matter where they live. Having the appropriate medical devices will aid in ensuring your loved one’s health and safety.

Another benefit of researching appropriate supplies for your elderly loved one is that it not only ensures their health, but also can provide independence. There are different types of home supplies available to create a greater independence for your aging loved one. Something so simple as a bag attached to their walker can promote satisfaction in their every day life.

What Are Geriatric Supplies?

Supplies for seniors cover a wide range from home supplies to medical supplies. Medical supplies are, as the name suggests, any product that has to do with any medical needs of your loved one. Oxygen tanks, prosthesis, walkers, scooters, diabetic strips, and heart monitor would all be medical supplies.

In order to ensure your elderly loved one’s safety and health, it is wise to do research with your senior’s particular situation in mind. Geriatric supplies cover a wide range of needs including medical, safety, and convenience. Geriatric supplies target the particular requirements of seniors, and are designed to create independence, as well as health and safety for your aging loved one.

Home supplies for seniors should also be part of the consideration. Bathroom safety products such as grab bars, bath and shower chairs, and raised toilet seats can help aging loved ones to retain their privacy and dignity. Safety features are part of the design of many geriatric supplies for your loved one’s protections. There are many fall alarms available for seniors who are unsteady on their feet. There are also wander alarms available. Any category of supply you need, whether it be medical, home, or safety, are available for use.

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Different Types of Geriatric Supplies

There are generally two categories for medical supplies. One is Durable Medical Equipment. These are supplies which are designed for long-term use. DME supplies might include walkers, scooters, hospital beds, artificial limbs, and oxygen tanks. Disposable medical supplies make up the latter category. These are products that are used once and thrown away, such as adult incontinence supplies, diabetic strips, protective gloves, and bandages. Another type of geriatric supplies are home supplies. These supplies can help create independence for seniors. For example, seniors with mobility issues can use an automatic swing door opener for their interior and exterior doors. There are also light switch and thermostat products that assist with everyday tasks the elderly may find challenging.

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Most Popular Geriatric Supplies

Whether your elderly parent is living at home, in a retirement community, or assisted living, there is plenty to choose from when supplying your loved one with products to not only assist them, but to help preserve their independence and dignity. Some of the top geriatric supplies include discreet and disposable incontinence products, programmable medication systems, emergency alert systems with a GPS included, senior-friendly electronics such as computer and a printer, food services that are tailored to the nutritional needs of seniors, button loopers and zipper pulls for easier dressing, pull-on sock aids, and pincers for reaching those with a weak grasp or mobility issues.

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Where to Buy Geriatric Supplies

Before utilizing products for seniors, you have to know where to find them. Choosing the right products can give you peace of mind, knowing that your aging parent is getting every advantage possible. Where to get your supplies varies depending on the situation. If you are looking for everyday supplies such as incontinence supplies, those are easily found at any store. However, if your loved one has fallen and broken a hip, and is hospitalized, any durable medical equipment might be ordered by the doctor through the hospital. Some supplies, such as test strips for diabetics, may be available only through prescription from their doctor.

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Buying Geriatric Supplies Online

Buying supplies online can be a convenient way to make sure that the basics are provided for your aging parent. Routinely check your loved one’s supplies. This way you can keep tabs on what they are running out of, and order ahead. This removes any panic when your parent runs out of a basic supply such as bandages or adult incontinence pads. However, if you are finding the task daunting, there are plenty of online vendors who will assist you with your purchase. They will help you through the process of finding what you need. If your purchase includes a hard to find product, they can assist in locating it for you.

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Utilizing Your Geriatric Supplies

Utilizing supplies is not always as easy as it seems. Be sure to educate yourself, as well as your loved one, on the functions of new products. For example, if you purchase a talking thermostat, you will want to program it, then make sure your senior knows how loudly they need to speak to be understood by the device. Any products that need installation should be done by you or a professional to ensure proper set up and safety. Any products used daily should be placed in convenient locations for ease of use.

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Equipping Your Home With Geriatric Supplies

If you have a senior living with you then you should make sure to equip your home with proper supplies. Grab bars in all bathrooms are essential for safety. You may also want to have riser seats on the toilets, hand held shower fixtures, and a bath bench. For bedroom supplies you may want bed railings, waterproof mattress pads, over-the-bed tables, and a talking clock if their vision is poor. It is most important to keep in mind your love one’s safety, health, convenience, and dignity in order to make them feel comfortable.
