10 Common Signs of Alzheimer’s

by Bethany
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As seniors age, mild forgetfulness might be a reoccurring experience in their daily lives. Although it might not be worsening the quality of their life, in some cases it can worsen and start to become a hindrance. If you start to notice this becoming a problem and interfering with how they conduct their lives, this might be an early indicator of Alzheimer’s disease.

The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that over 5 million people in the US suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. While this disease is known to affect people over 65 years, studies show that at least 5% of people suffer from Alzheimer’s in their early years such as in their 40s.

10 Common Signs of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is the most popular form of dementia. Dementia is a term that describes the loss of mental abilities or memory functions that interfere with one’s life. The only way to know if you or your loved one has Alzheimer’s is to get a diagnosis from a physician. Although the number of signs may vary from one person to another, it’s essential to know the early signs. It is always best to get diagnosed from a licensed physician because you might think you are being forgetful and mixing things up but in reality, you don’t have Alzheimer’s, you just need to pay attention more.

Let’s explore the 10 most common signs of Alzheimer’s.


One of the common signs of Alzheimer’s is forgetfulness. An individual with Alzheimer’s will ask for the same information over and over. Also, they’ll have trouble remembering important events or dates and will need to rely on family members for things they could easily handle on their own. Certain daily tasks that they have been performing for years and years might now get put aside or forgotten. Even simple tasks such as washing your face or eating a meal might be forgotten. Forgetting things might not seem like a very serious sign, but when you are used to living a certain quality of life for s0 long, forgetting important things can really mess with your mindset.

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Alzheimer’s can be isolating and lonely. A person with Alzheimer’s might experience a lack of interest in the surrounding areas and their thoughts may seem to wander off to something else. Additionally, they start withdrawing from activities they previously loved. Going to the movies with friends or attending family BBQs might be a thing of the past. This could be because they avoid social situations where they may feel ashamed. Symptoms of disorientation may be experienced early on or in later stages of the disease.

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Inability to Recognize Common Things

As Alzheimer’s progresses, your loved one may find it difficult to recognize common things which can be heartbreaking. The individual may forget what they just saw a couple of minutes back. In certain cases, a person with Alzheimer’s may fail to recognize their family members which can be frustrating. If this starts to happen in a loved one, remember to be patient because as frustrating as it is for you, it is ten times worse for them. Inability to recognize common things happens as the disease progresses.

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Making Things Up

In the mid and late stages of Alzheimer’s, you may notice that a person with Alzheimer’s may begin making things up. You’ll hear your loved one saying that someone stole from them or somebody broke into the house while they were asleep. This may go from irrational suspicious to delusions or false beliefs. Also, they may start hearing, tasting, or smelling things that are not there. For example, the person may hear voices at a distance, and this may cause them to misinterpret or become suspicious of what he actually heard. Experts believe that this behavior is associated with ensuing confusion and memory loss that comes with Alzheimer’s.

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Aggression and Agitation

Aggression and agitation are common symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Someone with Alzheimer’s easily becomes agitated by small things. You’ll notice that they may be upset with friends, at home, at work, or in places where they feel uncomfortable. Agitation may also be as a result of fatigue, fear, confusion, or being overwhelmed by the pressures of life. Also, they may become aggressive and difficult to handle. A person can go from being calm to being angry for no reason. Someone with Alzheimer’s may become verbally or physically aggressive. Verbal outbursts include threatening, name calling, cursing, or even arguing.

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Personality Changes

As Alzheimer’s progresses, your loved one may exhibit some personality disorders. An individual with Alzheimer’s may engage in pointless activities, sleep the whole day, or lose interest in their previous favorite hobbies like gardening or riding a bike. Other things you may notice with personality changes include uncharacteristic fears of unknown situations or environments, frustration with communication, withdrawal from friends and family, and then the person becomes reserved.

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Wandering or Getting Lost

Individuals with Alzheimer’s may walk to a previously familiar place and later forget where they were. People with Alzheimer’s may lose the ability to retrace their steps , and they can get lost in the process. Confusion related to time, restlessness, inability to recognize people, objects, and fear can all lead to wandering or getting lost. Stress may also contribute to people with Alzheimer’s getting lost. You’ll notice that the person may leave the house at night to find food, not even realizing that they are already home.

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Jumbled Speech

People with Alzheimer’s have trouble finding the correct words. You’ll also notice that they call things by the wrong name. Sometimes, they may pause in the middle of a conversation, or they may repeat the same thing over and over. In some cases, a person with Alzheimer’s may have no idea how to continue with a conversation he or she was having. Jumbled speech often occurs in late stages of Alzheimer’s.

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Loss of Appetite

People with Alzheimer’s experience decreased interest in food, which could indicate a loss of appetite. Moreover, a person with Alzheimer’s may suddenly dislike foods he/she loved. Also, the person may forget to use cutlery and result in eating with their fingers. Others forget to swallow while some can’t tell if the drink or food is too hot. If you notice this behavior in a loved one, make sure you are there to help them eat and drink properly.

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Repetition of Words

If your loved one has Alzheimer’s, their communication skills might diminish. You’ll find it common for them to repeat certain words to emphasize a point. Repetition of Words occur when your loved one is frustrated or not able to communicate. With time, the person could revert to speaking less or to using gestures. These are some of the general signs of Alzheimer’s disease. However, it’s important to understand that not everyone with Alzheimer’s shows similar symptoms or is at the same time in the progression of the illness. Sometimes individuals with Alzheimer’s manage to cover up signs by showing disinterest or hiding behind jokes.
