Why Walk-in Showers Are a Must For Seniors

by Bethany
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According to researchers, one in every three seniors will fall while getting out of the bathroom each year. The CDC has found that more than 235,000 people visit the emergency room annually as a result of bathroom-related injuries. 14% of these people are admitted to hospitals. This means that people of all ages can have accidents in the bathroom. However, for seniors, the risk is almost doubled. The study continues to state that the chances of injuries increase with age.

Why Walk-in Showers Are a Must For Seniors

Accidents in the shower are also more common than those in the toilet or tub. For seniors, emergencies such as nausea and dizziness can have them drop while showering. Injuries increase if they are unable to get out of the shower on time, which leads to them hitting the concrete floor. A walk-in shower can be described as an enclosure with a tray that adds a minimalist type of design to a person’s bathroom. It is perfect for people who are looking to increase space in their homes. The sleek design is what will attract you at first, however, with time, you love how easy it is to access the shower and walk in and out. Numerous features make walk-in showers perfect for seniors.

Prevent Slips and Falls

The study by the CDC also highlights the fact that 1.6 million older adults each year fall in bathrooms and are treated for head trauma, fractures, and other fall-related injuries. Other than permanent injuries that compromise their mobility, there is also the risk that fatal injuries may cause death. Older adults suffer from falls due to reflexes that are not as sharp as they used to be, poor eyesight, and balance issues that are caused by conditions such as diabetes, thyroid issues, and medications they may be taking.

One great way to prevent slips and falls is to install a shower that caters to the unique needs that older adults have. A walk-in shower is a great option because it can include other features such as a shower wand, a foldable chair, and grab bars. These will make it easier for them to remain stable while bathing.

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Provides Sturdy Railings to Hold Onto

Sometimes, the medication that is offered to older adults may make them dizzy. If this happens while they are in the shower bathing, they need a place to hold on to for stability. The walk-in shower provides sturdy railings to hold onto. They can be placed on both sides to make sure that the individual can walk out of the shower and find help on time. Unlike towel racks, these are meant to support the weight, thus keeping your loved one safe from fatal falls and possible injuries. They will also be at ease, knowing that they can hold on to the bars when they are leaving the shower and in case of emergencies.

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Wheelchair Accessible If Necessary

While the rails provide a great place to hold on to during an emergency, they do not provide a way to get the older adult out of the bathroom. Imagine your loved one is stranded in the bathroom, and they are unable to walk. You will have to find ways to get them out. Getting a wheelchair in the shower will make things so much easier for both you and them. It will also make it easier for you to get them to the hospital quickly. This is why manufacturers make walk-in-showers wheelchair accessible if necessary to ensure you have peace of mind at all times.

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Can Be Fitted With a Seat

They can be fitted with a seat, especially where there are mobility challenges. Whether they live with other family members or on their own, this is an addition that everyone will enjoy. It helps in the prevention of nasty occurrences. Allowing them to sit while they shower will ensure that they are stable. In addition to the anti-slip floor, this sit allows them to make small steps in and out of the shower.

They may also sit and enjoy the therapeutic nature of water without worrying that their feet will slip and fall. Users can now enjoy the warm water while seated. It makes showering safer. The chair is often foldable. This makes the shower usable by other people in the home who feel that they do not need the seat. It also creates more space to shower and makes the shower convenient for everyone since it caters to their needs. Everyone can, therefore, personalize the shower while they are using it.

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Convenient Low Entry

Because older adults tend to have slow reflexes and are not that fast, they may not be comfortable climbing a step that is too high when they are going to the bathroom. Such a step increases the chances of an accident. Someone may miscalculate the step, and this will lead to them slipping and falling. It may also be dangerous for them to walk out of the shower because the feet are often wet. At such a time, accidents that are related to slipping and falling may be more likely than one would assume. This is why all walk-in showers have a convenient low entry system that ensures that all people in the home are safe. It is also more convenient to get into the bathroom.

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Easy to Reach Controls

Some of the things you need when you get to the shower are controls that are easy to use. Walk-in showers have controls that are easy to use and conveniently placed. Because older adults do not have memory and concentration to engage in tough tasks, they will need to have controls that are simple to understand and follow. The controls are well-labeled, meaning that these persons can tell what each function means. It makes showering fun and convenient for them. The easy to reach controls are also simple to operate and follow. Your loved one will always have peace while showering.

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Anti-Slip Flooring

When people think about slips and falls in the bathroom, they think about the pain and the inconvenience caused. However, these are not the only issues that are caused by such accidents. Slips cause injuries that cost quite a lot of money to treat. The prevention of slips also ensures that you can save your loved one from the agony, pain, and medical expenses that will result from the bathroom injuries. You also prevent permanent injuries that could affect the quality of life of your loved one immensely. Compared to the old shower you had in place, you will come to appreciate the fact that the anti-slip flooring in walk-in showers is quite helpful, especially for seniors.
