Why It Is So Important to Stay on Top of Your Prostate Health as a Senior

by Bethany
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Prostate health is vital to men, and it’s not something you want to ignore. The prostate is an important part of the male reproductive system. The prostate works hard to help men reproduce. It’s the area of the body that produces the liquid containing a man’s semen, which is released during sexual activity. It’s a small gland, but it’s located in an area of a man’s body that makes it dangerous if anything should complicate it.

The prostate is located in a very precarious location in front of the rectum just below a man’s bladder. It’s also in close contact with a man’s urethra in that it wraps around it. If the health of your prostate is poor, you might experience problems not only performing sexually but also urinating and using the bathroom. As mentioned above, this is why this area of the body is so sensitive and important, and it’s why prostate health should be one of the most important things on a man’s mind.

Why is it So Important to Stay on Top of Your Prostate Health as a Senior

Men’s health is impacted greatly by this small gland you might not pay attention to. Men’s health includes eating the proper foods and performing the correct exercises to ensure your prostate is well cared for and healthy. It’s never too early to start caring for this part of your body.

Prostate Health

Prostate health is important all the time, but there are three things you must look for when you’re dealing with your prostate. These are the main problems likely to occur in this region of your body whether you are a young man or a senior man. Prostatitis is the first condition to watch for. It’s an infection and inflammation of the area, and it’s going to make using the restroom quite painful. It creates a burning sensation, the frequent and overwhelming need to use the restroom, and it makes it difficult to ejaculate due to the overwhelming pain the infection and inflammation causes.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the second condition that causes concern in the prostate. This is an age-related issue that occurs commonly as you get older. It’s the simple enlargement of the gland. As it gets larger with age, the size of the gland becomes more likely to squeeze the urethra and stop or slow the flow of urine. Unfortunately, this problem affects nearly 75 percent of men who are older than 60.

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Keeping a Healthy Prostate

The good news about prostate health is keeping it in good health is relatively easy. You needn’t do much more than simply care for yourself to keep your prostate in good health. The problem is many people don’t bother to take the necessary health precautions when they are living their day-to-day lives. You need to keep your weight where it should be. You need to keep a safe exercise schedule, and you need to eat the right foods. The best diet is one with ample fruits and vegetables on the menu. It’s also important to know if there is a family history of prostate cancer or issues in your life so your doctor can create a health plan for you.

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Getting Your Prostate Checked Regularly

Nothing about getting your prostate checked is fun, unfortunately. It’s a health screening that requires getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Starting at the age of 50, you must schedule an annual appointment with your doctor to discuss your health. This involves an annual rectal exam. This allows your doctor to find any health problems and diagnose them early. They’re always easier to treat and treatment is more successful if the problems are caught early. If you have a family history or you are high-risk for prostate problems, you must begin this appointment when you are 45.

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Foods that Promote A Healthy Prostate

A healthy diet can help you keep your prostate as healthy as possible, and there is a long list of healthy options you can add to your menu to help you stay healthy. Foods rich in selenium are excellent for promoting a healthy prostate. Try incorporating foods such as wheat germ, seafood, shellfish, eggs, garlic, onion, tuna, kidney, and even sunflower seeds in your diet. Fruits and vegetables are also excellent sources of good health for the prostate. Soy is good, too. Add some tofu or soy flour to your diet for optimum health. The rule of thumb is to maintain a healthy diet to maintain a health prostate.

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Healthy Prostate Exercises

While exercising might not stop prostate problems, it can certainly work to keep your prostate in good health. Exercise helps you keep your weight at an acceptable level, which is what you need if you want to keep your prostate in good health. It doesn’t matter so much what kind of exercise you do as long as you can get at least 5 hours per week or physical activity in your schedule. This can include going to the gym, playing sports, walking, or even using Kegel exercises. These are not just for women. They are beneficial to men and your prostate health, as well.

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Men’s Health

Men’s health is imperative at any age and for every aspect of your life. You must spend time focusing on your health if you want to live a positive lifestyle. This includes being able to exercise regularly, eat well, and see your doctor annually. Even if you don’t need to see your doctor for a rectal exam just yet because you haven’t reached 50, you must still see your doctor regularly for additional health checks. Your doctor should see you once a year to ensure you are in good health, to diagnose issues you should work on, and to help you live your best life. Early discovery is always beneficial, and learning to care for yourself when you are young leads to better lifelong health habits.

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Exercising Regularly

The recommended amount of exercise for people to maintain good health is approximately 150 minutes per week, which is just over 21 minutes per day. It’s only two and-a-half hours of exercise a week, but men are known to have better prostate health when they incorporate 5 hours of exercise into their lives each week. This means working out just over 40 minutes per day, which is easier than you imagine when you find time to take a walk, play sports, and be active. Work on it, and you will see a significant improvement not only in your future prostate health but in your everyday health as well.
