Using a Stand Assist in Your Everyday Life

by Bethany
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Transferring elderly or partially-mobile patients is always a challenge. The very best manner to do this while making the person feel secure and safe is through the use of a stand assist. This mobility-enhancing, movement aid equipment is also referred to as a standing lift or a stand assist lift.

Patients can be moved in a respectful, noninvasive manner which will not embarrass or intimidate them. This equipment is operated manually, by electricity, or by batteries. The regular machines can usually handle up to about 350 pounds of weight; machines are also available that can handle even more weight of up to about 700 pounds.

A powered lift which runs on electricity and/or batteries greatly reduces injury risk. It is highly recommended for those patients who are weaker and need extra assistance. The operation is much smoother than that of the manual lift. The downside is that they can be very costly. Be sure to compare the prices on similar brands and models for extra savings.

Keep in mind that the pricing on this equipment will sometimes include the necessary accessories such as slings and sometimes will not. Be aware that there are many sizes and types of slings to choose from depending on the size and disability of the individual. Be sure to get all the details before purchase. Accessories such as remote controls, rubber grips, and built-in scales are also available for greater assistance, safety, and efficiency.

The following are typical questions with answers that an individual interested in utilizing a stand assist would ask.

What Is A Stand Assist?

A stand assist is a manual, electric, or battery-operated mechanical device which helps a patient or a senior assume a standing or semi-standing position so they can be transported or attend to daily needs. It provides a safe, secure method of movement that will allow a person to be moved quickly and efficiently without falls or injury. The individual can be moved from one seated surface to another. For example, a patient can be moved from a sitting position on his bed to the commode in his restroom or to a chair in another location. Or he can be moved from a wheelchair back to his bed and vice versa. It also protects caregivers, medical personnel, and family members from injury while they are caring for the individual.

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Who Needs a Stand Assist?

A stand assist is a great device for any individual who has difficulty standing or walking due to a disability, temporary weakness, age, or a medical condition. The main criteria for using this equipment is that the individual is able to put some weight on his legs and feet to assist during the process of lifting and transporting him to another area. A stand assist is also a vital piece of equipment for those who assist the senior or patient – they will be less susceptible to injury and accidents if they utilize this equipment while caring for an individual.

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Where Do You Purchase a Stand Assist

Stand assists can be purchased from medical supply venues and online stores. They can also be purchased from companies that only make and sell this specific type of equipment. For temporary disabilities, they may also be available from a medical rental source. If you would like more information on this type of equipment, just ask your hospital staff, and they should be able to point you in the right direction to purchase the model and style that is right for your specific situation. If you know anyone who has utilized a stand assist, ask them for suggestions as to the best type to use.

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How Much Do Stand Assists Cost

The price of stand assists varies greatly depending on the type of model chosen so be sure to take the time to shop around and compare pricing. They can cost anywhere from about $1,000 and up. The cost depends on the accessories that come with it, the weight capacity, the size and construction of the frame, and the type of power supply. Be sure to add in the cost of any extra batteries, slings, or grips that may be needed while operating the equipment. Portable lifts may also be available for a lesser cost.

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Comparing Different Stand Assist Models

There are two main types of stand assists, powered and manual. A manual stand assist is the less expensive of the two. It will work well for a patient with more mobility and strength. A caregiver’s or family member’s assistance is needed to use this piece of equipment. The operation is not as smooth as that of a powered lift and requires more patient ability and participation. The lower cost is what will entice customers to purchase this style, but patient strength and stability need to be a strong consideration when making this important decision.

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Mobile, Foldable Stand Assists

It can be of great assistance to have a lighter version of the stand assist available when traveling to appointments or personal destinations. Being able to fold one up and take it with you wherever you go can be a true lifesaver for both the individual using it and the person assisting. The portable models are much more lightweight, can be folded easily, and should fit in the trunk of your vehicle. Be sure to try the portable styles out before purchasing to ensure that they are not to heavy for you to carry or too bulky to fit in your specific vehicle.

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Take Pressure Off Your Back, Shoulders, and Knees

A stand assist is greatly helpful to caregivers, medical personnel, and family members who are in the position of caring for seniors, or a disabled and medically-weakened individual. Instead of physically lifting the person from one seated position to another, they can rely on this equipment to assist in relocating their charge. This will greatly reduce the chances of back, shoulder, or knee strain. It will also prevent the patient from slipping and falling on their helper and possibly prevent injury to both parties. As is clearly evident, employing the use of a stand assist can be a real lifesaver for nurses, nurses aides, home caregivers, and even family members of homebound individuals and seniors. It will give peace of mind and extra safety until your loved one can gain their strength back and fully recover.
