Meeting Singles Who Are Also Retired

by Bethany

Who is to say that once a person retires they are supposed to stop dating? The reality is, those who are retired and single have more time to get out there and date. In today’s world, there are plenty of senior dating options to consider. Keep in mind that many who are interested in senior dating may be very lonely individuals who could even be widowed and without a lot of human interaction. Giving them the basic human dignity of finding love and dating is something that society should wholeheartedly embrace. Whether you want to start your search online or in person, you should not be discouraged as a retired single to enter the dating scene again.

Meeting Other Retired Singles

Non-Traditional Dates

AARP has some great recommendations for senior dating. They are the leading advocacy organization for senior citizens in America. As such, they have spent a great deal of time considering this issue. They have some great recommendations for those who are retired singles looking to meet others. For those who aren’t computer savvy, they recommend some great activities and places that you can meet other singles in person and hopefully start up a friendship, which could lead to a romantic connection.

  • Volunteer Events
  • Spas
  • Golf Courses
  • Organized Trips (Camping)
  • Social Clubs

These are a list of places that younger people may not really have the time to go and visit. Thus, the younger people are missing out on their opportunity to meet someone at a location like this. However, an older individual may have no problem getting there and finding that new love interest. When you are surrounded by people similar in age, they might also have similar interests and hobbies, which make a connection much more plausible.

Why These Type of Places Are Great For Dates

Everything on the list involves a social bonding experience. There is plenty to talk about with someone that you would like to date there, and there is an enjoyable experience no matter how well the date goes. These among many reasons make these locations the best choices for dating while retired.

You can also try your local church or senior center. Both organizations will have senior mixers or singles night where you can easily meet other people who are also looking for love.

Try Online Dating

Still, there is the possibility of meeting someone online. Although the media likes to show meeting online for dates as something that the younger crowd does, this is simply not the case. There are plenty of seniors meeting up with other seniors online. There are entire dating websites designed for retired singles to find one another.

Do not be afraid to try both routes. Put up a profile on a senior dating website while at the same time keeping your options open to meet someone in the real world. It is a successful formula that many retire singles have used to find the next love of their life.