How To Get Involved With Volunteering

by Bethany

You’ve finally reached retirement, and you’ve been enjoying life. Perhaps you’ve been able to spend more time with your family. You also might have been able to travel. However, you also might be wishing you knew of some ways to give back to your community. This is a common feeling! Many seniors are interested in senior volunteer projects. Unfortunately, many seniors aren’t sure where to look. If this is you, don’t worry. Check out some of the volunteering ideas below.

Check Local Schools

Check with your local school district about volunteering. If you have a grandchild or other family member attending one of the schools, this is even better. Elementary schools are often looking for seniors to help struggling readers. In high school, retirees can often be great mentors for students. See if there is something you can do in schools near your home.


Hospitals are often looking for able-bodied seniors to help deliver paperwork, visit with patients, and supervise activities in community rooms. If you have a dog, many hospitals also look for well-trained dogs to offer comfort to patients. You and your beloved dog can then volunteer together!

Food Banks

Food banks are always looking for extra assistance. This is particularly true during the holiday season. You can help prepare or serve food. If you have connections in the grocery or restaurant world, you also might be able to volunteer your time to help food banks obtain food donations. There are always plenty of volunteer opportunities at food banks.

Just Serve App

If you are still struggling to find ways to volunteer as a senior, consider having a family member help you download the Just Serve app on your smartphone or computer. Just Serve is a nonprofit app that allows organizations to post notices for volunteers needed for various projects. The best part about the app is that it works anywhere! If you travel to visit family many times a year, you can simply open up the app and find volunteering opportunities in your current area. You can also create your own senior volunteering projects that other people can then join for “rewards experiences.”

Your golden years will be worth more to you through service and volunteering. Consider utilizing the above ideas to make volunteering a part of your life as a senior. If you do, you’ll be able to help others and maximize your enjoyment in retirement.