How a TV Sound Amplifier Can Improve Your Entertainment

by Bethany
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For all of the advancements in television picture quality over the last several years, what you see on TV is only part of the entertainment you receive. The other part of the equation, what you hear, is just as, if not more important than what you see. Since most of the context and environment of a lot of what you see on TV is created by the sounds and dialogue in a specific program, being able to hear everything that is going on is crucial to ensure you fully understand and enjoy what you’re watching.

How a TV Sound Amplifier Can Improve Your Entertainment

For some, though, this presents a problem, as, whether due to old age, disease, or injury, their hearing is great impaired. This can create a barrier to full enjoyment of television programs, even favorites that were enjoyed prior to experiencing hearing loss. Fortunately, there are options available to improve the sound level and intelligibility of television audio, options that don’t necessarily involve simply “turning up” the TV. Though this might seem like an obvious solution, many flat screen televisions lack a large enough cabinet to house speakers that provide the high-quality audio required to be easily heard by those with hearing loss. In those cases, a TV sound amplifier might be the perfect solution to restoring full enjoyment of those beloved television programs.

What Is a TV Sound Amplifier?

Technically, a TV sound amplifier is any device which increases the sound levels of the audio coming from a TV. This could include a sound bar, surround sound system, or any one of a number of other devices. In most cases, though, a TV sound amplifier refers to a device that is made specifically to assist those with hearing loss in better hearing and understanding of the audio coming from a TV.

Though this does often include amplitude, or volume adjustments, it also involves tweaking certain frequencies in the sound spectrum to make certain parts of the audio more intelligible, or understandable, to those with minor to significant hearing loss. In that case, a TV sound amplifier would be designed to specifically assist seniors, or others who are hearing impaired for one reason or another.

In many cases, then, a TV sound amplifier needs to be adaptable to a single individual’s needs. For example, if one person in a family suffers from hearing loss, it’s unlikely the other people in the family would just simply want to have a sound bar turned up loudly to accommodate that hearing loss. Instead, it makes more sense to have a device that can alter the sound for an individual, so they can hear what they need to hear, while keeping the sound at a comfortable level for everyone else.

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Who Needs a TV Sounds Amplifier?

As previously discussed, a TV sound amplifier is suitable for anyone who suffers from hearing loss. While they might be more-often associated with seniors, a wide range of the population who are not seniors suffer from hearing loss, as well. Whether it’s someone who has been to one too many rock concerts, someone who has lost hearing due to a disease, or if they were simply born with lower-than-average hearing, a TV sound amplifier will improve their quality-of-life as it relates to their enjoyment of entertaining TV programs. For those without hearing loss, an individual TV sound amplifier could be useful if you want to watch TV without disturbing others. For example, if you’re a parent of a young child and want to watch TV after the child is in bed, a TV sound amplifier will allow you to discretely enjoy your favorite TV programs without disturbing your child.

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Personal TV Sound Amplifier

Unless you have a room or house full of people who suffer from hearing loss, a personal TV sound amplifier is going to be your best option. These devices all utilize some type of headphone that allows the user to experience the enhanced audio for themselves. In some cases this is a Bluetooth headphone, which can receive its signal directly from a built-in Bluetooth transmitter in newer TVs, or an aftermarket transmitter that is installed in a headphone jack on the TV for older televisions. There are also larger devices that resemble a stethoscope, which work wirelessly with a transmitter and receiver, as well. A third option is to install an induction loop around run around the room as a wire that sends signals which can be received and translated by a small device contained within a regular hearing aid.

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Comparing Sound Amplifier Models

Before you select a sound amplifier, it’s best to know how the different models mentioned above compare to one another. The best sound amplifier for you mostly depends on your specific application, as they all have advantages and disadvantages. If you don’t use hearing aids already, Bluetooth headphones certainly offer the most discrete option, so if you’re a parent who just needs to stay quiet, this might be the best route. A stethoscope-style headset also provides wire-free enhanced audio, and is typically a little more simple to set up and use than a Bluetooth option. This makes it perfect for seniors who don’t want to learn the ins and outs of more advanced technology. If the person who is hearing impaired is already using a hearing aid, then an induction loop provides the easiest way to provide audio at a level they’re comfortable with, as well as being available to anyone else who might stop by who also wears hearing aids. Plus, this method offers the comfort of a custom-made receiver, something the other options can’t offer.

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Price of TV Sound Amplifiers

Understanding the cost of a particular TV sound amplifier is important in choosing which one is best for you. After all, some people take their entertainment very seriously, and are willing to spend as much money as needed to provide them with as many benefits as possible. On the other hand, if you’re a casual TV watcher, you might find an option that has just a few advantages but a lower cost is the right way to go. For a loop induction system, prices start at around $2,500. This is more expensive than the other options, but the convenience factor is certainly high, plus if the recipient already wears hearing aids, it would be a big hassle for them to constantly remove their hearing aids just to watch TV. Some stethoscope-style units start as low as $40, but can run into the hundreds, depending on the specific benefits that are offered. Bluetooth headphones have a similar price range as stethoscope-style units, but tend to be smaller and more discrete.

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Sound Amplifier For Hearing Impaired

As mentioned, the key to a quality sound amplifier isn’t just how loud it can get, but what sounds it makes louder. As we age, our ability to hear higher-frequency sounds diminishes. Unfortunately, these frequencies are in the same range as many voices, meaning that for those watching television, dialogue becomes difficult to hear and understand. For procedural shows, newscasts, gameshows, and the like, this is a crucial omission, leading to frustration and confusion on the part of the viewer. Sound amplifiers that are specifically designed to assist those who are hearing impaired will often boost the frequencies where most voices are found, allowing the restoration of intelligibility and understanding on the part of the viewer. In many cases, this is the one feature that is worth paying more for over and above features like size and style.

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Improve Your Entertainment Experience

For many who struggle with hearing loss, being able to hear and understand television audio will restore their enjoyment of the entertainment experience they’ve been missing out on. Selecting and using a TV sound amplifier is about much more than being entertained, though that is certainly a wonderful benefit of these units. It’s also about enjoying independence because you don’t have to ask someone else what the people on TV are saying. It’s about safety, as you’ll be able to clearly understand any weather or other emergency alerts that are announced on TV. Lastly, it’s about being included, of knowing all the funny, sad, dramatic, and important lines that are said on your television, so you can discuss them with your friends and family without missing a beat.
