8 Ways to Keep Your Diet & Nutrition on Track as A Senior

by Bethany
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Healthy diet and lifestyle begin at home. It’s not something anyone can force you to practice, and it’s not something you’ll find easy to practice if you’re unaware of the importance of a healthy diet and proper exercise once you reach your senior years. It’s easy to assume you need less exercise and can indulge a little more once you reach a certain age. After all, this is your time to really enjoy life, but this is a harmful belief.

Good health and nutrition include both a healthy diet and exercise. The benefits are numerous, and you might not even realize just how much you benefit from taking care of yourself in your senior years. One of the biggest benefits of a good health routine is longevity. You prolong your life if your body is healthier, and you also have a better quality of life if you’re engaging in healthy exercise, diet, and nutrition. You also benefit from this type of lifestyle by spending less time with the doctor. Your good health helps protect you from illness and disease, which translates into fewer doctor visits.

8 Ways to Keep Your Diet & Nutrition on Track as A Senior

Fewer doctor visits also equate to fewer medical bills. Even with good health insurance, the cost of visiting the doctor can be expensive. If you focus on caring for your body and making sure you are in good health, you spend less money at the doctor. That’s money you can spend on your grandkids when they visit or put away for that European vacation you’ve been considering. Good health isn’t just an option. It’s a way of life, and it’s one of the most important ways of life. That’s why you must learn all you can about proper senior diet and nutrition facts.

Senior Diet and Nutrition

Were you aware your diet and nutrition needs change as you get older? Perhaps you remember being able to survive on nothing but pizza and soda when you were in college, and your good metabolism burned off the calories with little effort. You were always ready for a good time, never exhausted, and you didn’t notice your diet was awful. That changes as your body ages. If you tried to live on a diet like that with little to no sleep and no exercise, you’d gain weight fast. As you age, one of the most important things you should know is how your body is changing and affecting that.

Gastrointestinal problems occur more naturally as you age, and this changes your dietary needs significantly. As your body develops gastritis and the emptying of your stomach slows down causing more frequent constipation and gas, you might begin to avoid eating healthier foods as you’re too full, you feel they make you feel worse, and they don’t help your stomach feel better. This is where many seniors begin making poor health choices. This health problem is not helped by avoiding fruit and vegetables, it’s made worse. It’s one of the most important examples of why senior nutrition and diet are so important.

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Consulting With a Nutritionist

Before you begin any type of new diet or exercise regime, you must speak to a nutritionist. As you age, it’s easy to lose sight of what you need, how many calories you should take in, and what nutrients are most important. Your body is in a different place now, and you don’t have the same nutritional needs you did when you were a child, when you were in your 20s, or even when you were in your 40s. Your body needs something very specific as you age, and your health history also impacts your nutritional needs as you age. Speaking to a nutritionist can help you create a personalized dietary plan designed to benefit you and your personal health in the most effective and efficient manner.

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Stay Active

The single most important thing you can do at any age is to stay active. As you get older, however, that level and amount of activity you need changes. You still need to move your body every day for optimum health, but you might find you need to participate in a lower-impact activity. This is certainly not true of all seniors based on your personal health now and in the past. You know what your body is capable of, and your doctor can guide you along the way. Perhaps something like a walk each day, yoga classes, swimming, or even working out in the gym is the way to go for you. The point is to stay active even in your senior years to maintain your strength and good health.

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Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables becomes more important as you age. It’s more important now than ever before to focus on your good health and what it means, and the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are important. As you age, your body’s nutritional needs change. Many medical professionals find that their senior patients suffer from various levels of malnutrition even if they are never at risk of not having a meal. It’s as simple as eating a poor diet simply because you no longer have anyone to cook for and don’t cook as many meals, you don’t get the vitamins and nutrients you need, or you don’t have as much of an appetite. Including fruit and vegetables in your diet is more important now than ever.

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No Eating After 8 pm

You’ve heard the rumors that late-night snacking is dangerous, and it’s true even for seniors. The time you eat dinner can affect your health in a major way, and that’s why you should avoid eating after 8 pm. Eating late at night changes the way your body digests your food, which can increase acid reflux, heartburn, and even indigestion. These leave you feeling tired, unhappy, and restless. You might not sleep well at night because of them, which leaves you with less energy the following day. When your energy level is low, you might not be as inclined to be active that day, which can affect your entire life. It’s best to skip meals late at night, so change your eating schedule and include more health foods in your meal planning.

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Eating For Your Body Type

Your body type is not the same as anyone else’s body type, and it’s imperative you learn how to eat for your specific body type. As discussed above, speaking to a nutritionist as well as your doctor is a great starting point for finding out what kind of body type you have and how you should eat to benefit that. As a general rule, men require more calories each day to maintain their healthiest lifestyle, and women tend to require more. However, this changes depending on your size, your frame, your health, and your level of activity. It’s best to speak to your medical professional to determine how to cook, shop, and eat for your body type to maximize your best health.

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Eating Organically

Many people believe eating organically is better for them, but many seniors are worried about the cost of eating organically. Organically grown fruits and vegetables are more expensive, and many seniors are on a fixed budget. This means you want to fully wash everything you buy before you eat it, and you should get to know what fruits and vegetables are known for being more naturally organic than others. There is a list called the dirty dozen, and it tells you which produce has the most pesticides as well as the least. If you cannot afford organic food, try using this list to help you make wiser shopping decisions.
