Although no one likes to admit it, the older we get, the more health issues we seem to face. Our vision gets slightly burry, we notice new aches and pains daily and our hearing becomes less clear. Luckily, there are medicines or aides that can help with most of the problems that seniors face in their elder years. To combat hearing loss, hearing aids are the perfect solution. There has been much advancement in the field of hearing aids recently and now there a plenty of models to choose from – some you can barely even see in the ear! In the past, seniors were hesitant to get hearing aids because they were bulky and sometimes ineffective. But the latest models of hearing aids are small and highly effective.
There is nothing worse than constantly asking someone to repeat themselves over and over again or having to turn up your television to an extremely high level just to hear it properly. When you’re in a crowded room and the person next to you is speaking but all you hear is a buzzing sound, you know you are having some hearing issues. You and no one else should have to suffer from your hearing loss.
If you have noticed your hearing starting to worsen recently, it is time to reach out to your physician or local audiologist specialist. In your first appointment, the physician will typically ask you a series of questions. It is important to answer honestly, as this will help them better understand your hearing issues. This is not the time to get embarrassed and fib. Next, they will put you through an actual hearing test where you will wear headphones and they will play numerous sounds to see which ones you can hear. Finally, they will do a physical examination of your ears. Once all of this has been completed, the doctor will let you know if you are a good candidate for hearing aids and how to go about choosing the right model and ordering a set. Let’s discuss some of the important factors you should take into consideration when purchasing hearing aids, as well as the major benefits they possess.
Pricing Differences
Back in the day, there were only a few options when it came to hearing aids – and they were all similarly priced. Now, with the advancements in today’s technology, there are tons of options ranging from high end to more affordable choices. When it comes to choosing a hearing aid, the first thing you need to do is to discuss with your doctor what type you need. Once they have identified the correct type, you can then research the different brands and models to see which ones you like and which ones fit in your price range. Make sure you know your budget when you speak to your doctor. Don’t let them recommend a brand that is way out of your price range. Let them know what you are willing to spend and if your insurance plan will cover any of the costs. They will be more than happy to accommodate and work with your requests.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Next” ]Deciding Between Models
There are 6 different types of hearing aids: Invisible-In-The-Canal (IIC), Completely-In-Canal (CIC), In-The-Canal (ITC), In-The-Ear (ITE), Receive-In-Canal (RIC), and Behind-The-Ear (BTE). Depending on your diagnosis from the audiologist or hearing doctor, you might be able to choose any one of those. But in some cases, due to the type of hearing assistance you need, you might only be able to choose one model. While they all have different appearances and technology behind them, they do all achieve the same result – providing a better hearing experience for the user. So whichever model you end up going with, you will be happy with the results.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Next” ]How Often Do You Need to Wear Them
If you are starting to notice some hearing loss, the first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with your hearing doctor or an audiologist. You never know what the problem is exactly until you consult with a professional. Wax buildup can lead to hearing loss, but that is a temporary issue. Once removed, your hearing should go back to normal. If you really are experiencing hearing loss, you will be put through a series of tests to determine what stage of hearing loss you are at. Your medical professional will then recommend what type of hearing aid you will need and how often you will need to wear them. You can then choose the model you want and order them.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Next” ]Doctor’s Recommendations
Although you can purchase hearing aids directly from the manufacturer or online, you should never purchase a set without speaking to your doctor first. With the amount of informational articles on the Internet these days, many people think they can diagnose themselves. But the reality is that you never know where these articles or “facts” are coming from and they might be completely false. That is why it is so important to speak with a medical professional before purchasing a set of hearing aids. They will be able to tell you exactly what is wrong with your hearing and what type of hearing aid you will need. They can even help you get them custom-fitted to your ear.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Next” ]Insurance Coverage
Hearing aids can be quite pricey but you might be surprised to learn that some insurance plans will cover the costs. If you are over a certain age, your insurance policy might allow for hearing aids. The first step is to contact your insurance provider to go over your plan and see what costs they actually cover. Some might cover partial costs and some might cover the entire costs – it really differs from plan to plan. Since hearing aids can greatly improve the quality of your life, it is very important that you act fast. If you need hearing aids, make sure you speak to your insurance provider before making any purchases.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Next” ]Affordable Vs. High End
Because there are so many options nowadays, you will quickly learn that the pricing of hearing aids can greatly differ as well. You will be able to find high-tech digital hearing aids that are so small that you can barely see them in your ear. You will also be able to find slightly larger, less advanced models that come at a more affordable price. When it comes to your hearing, you want to be as comfortable as possible, so make sure that you choose a hearing aid that fits your budget, but also your needs. If you opt for a more expensive model, make sure you are getting a high quality product and not just paying for a brand name.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Next” ]Overall Life Improvement
Because seniors tend to have multiple medical issues the older they get, anything that gets added to the list can be frustrating and upsetting. Hearing loss shouldn’t ignite negative emotions because it is so easily combatted in most situations. If you are noticing that you’re having a hard time participating in conversations because you can’t hear what people are saying, or turning up the volume on your phone or television to the highest level, make an appointment with your hearing doctor or audiologist. If they recommend hearing aids for you, you will be amazed at how much they can improve the quality of your life in such a short time.
[/nextpage] [nextpage title=”Next” ]Hearing Aids in Everyday Life
Some elderly people shy away from hearing aids because they are embarrassed to wear them and think that they make themselves look even older than they are. But hearing aids should never be a source of embarrassment. People of all ages suffer from hearing and hearing loss and there is no reason why you should not participate in today’s technological advancements. If you are particularly concerned about your appearance, you will be happy to know that some hearing aids are so small that other people will barely be able to see or notice that you are wearing them. Hearing aids don’t have to be an obstacle in your everyday life. They will actually improve it greatly.